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Battle Royale   

Laserzone Preis
CHF 34.90

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Versand normalerweise
innert 7-20 Tagen

Artikel: 9014426
Movie: 13288173

Regionencode [?] 3 - SÜDOST-ASIEN (NTSC)
Benötigt Codefree-Player zum Abspielen!
Originaltitel Battle Royale
Genre Drama / Eastern-Asia / Sci-Fi / Thriller
Produktionsland Japan
Herstellungsjahr 2000

Schauspieler Takeshi Kitano, Yûko Miyamura, Chiaki Kuriyama, Masanobu Ando, Kou Shibasaki, Tatsuya Fujiwara, Aki Maeda, Taro Yamamoto
Regie Kinji Fukasaku
Autor(en) Kinji Fukasaku, Koshun Takami
Produzent(en) Masumi Okada, Masao Sato, Tetsu Kayama, Akio Kamatani
Sprache (Tonformat) Japanisch   (Dolby Digital - Stereo)
Japanisch   (Dolby Digital - 5.1 Surround)
Japanisch   (DTS)
Untertitel Chinesisch Trad., Chinesisch Vereinf., Englisch
Covertext Overseen by a former teacher, Kitano ('Beat' Takeshi), and requiring that a randomly chosen school class be taken to a deserted island and forced to fight each other to the death, the Act dictates that only one pupil be allowed to survive the punishment. He or she will return, not as the victor, but as the ultimate proof of the lengths to which the government are prepared to go to curb the tide of juvenile disobediance.

Bildformat Widescreen
Altersfreigabe ab 18 Jahren
Laufzeit 114 Minuten

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