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Cardcaptor Sakura - Vol. 5 - Vacation Daze   [PA-Pioneer Artists]

Laserzone Preis
CHF 29.90

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Versand normalerweise
innert 7-20 Tagen

Artikel: 9013590
Movie: 90088291

Regionencode [?] 1 - USA (NTSC)
Benötigt Codefree-Player zum Abspielen!
Originaltitel Card Captor Sakura - TV-Series
Cardcaptor Sakura
Genre Anime-Manga / Animation / Eastern-Asia / Fantasy / TV-Serie
Produktionsland Japan
Herstellungsjahr 1998

Schauspieler Aya Hisakawa, Tomokazu Seki, Kotono Mitsuishi, Megumi Ogata, Ryôka Yuzuki, Junko Iwao, Hideyuki Tanaka, Yukana Nogami, Masaya Onosaka, Sakura Tange, Kumai Motoko
Autor(en) Nanase Ôkawa
Sprache (Tonformat) Japanisch   (Dolby Digital - Stereo)
Untertitel Englisch
Covertext Summer is nearly over but Sakura's tests never end! Sakura's school stages a test of courage in some scary caves, but when the Erase Card makes her friends disappear, Sakura and Li rise to the challenge! Then, The Glow Card creates a romantic mood with Yukito, only to have it be spoiled by Li, Toya, and her undone homework. If only The Move Card would leave her books alone! Finally, Li's cousin, Mei Lin, arrives from Hong Kong to help Li capture the Clow Cards, but she thinks Sakura likes Li! No way!

Bildformat Fullscreen 1.33:1
Laufzeit 100 Minuten

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