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White Badge   [Vanguard Films]

Laserzone Preis
CHF 24.90

Artikel in eKorb
Versand normalerweise
innert 7-20 Tagen

Artikel: 9012450
Movie: 90124501

Regionencode [?] 1 - USA (NTSC)
Benötigt Codefree-Player zum Abspielen!
Originaltitel White Badge
Genre Eastern-Asia / Kriegsfilm
Produktionsland Korea
Herstellungsjahr 1994

Schauspieler Sung-kee Ahn, Hye-jin Shim, Se Jun Kim, Yongjae Tokko, Junho Huh, Kyung Young Lee
Regie Ji-yeong Jeong
Autor(en) Seung Bo Shim, Ji-yeong Jeong, Young Chel Jo, Junghyo Ahn, Su Young Gong
Produzent(en) Hak Hun Kim, Chong Nam Cook, Dong Kyu Ahn
Sprache (Tonformat) Koreanisch
Untertitel Englisch
Covertext Han Kiju, a pulp fiction writer, needs to write a new best seller every month for his publishing house. Still reeling from his youth experience as a volunteer infantryman in the South Korean Army's highly decorated White Horse Division, which fought alongside American troops in Vietnam, Han suffers a textbook case of Vietnam Syndrome. The burdens of guilt and alienation make his private life barren and constantly sabotage his career and marriage. Using flashbacks to the combat fields of Vietnam the film depicts, in a graphic way, how Han and his frontline infantry experienced the war uniquely as Asians yet felt the same nightmare of fear and meaningless sacrifice as their American counterparts. While Sgt Han's platoon is being decimated by an unseen Viet Cong enemy during a long range reconnaissance mission behind enemy lines, one of his fellow soldiers slips into insanity causing untold carnage and death. A reunion with this man forces Han to confront the past and the most painful events of his life.

Altersfreigabe ab 18 Jahren
Laufzeit 122 Minuten

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