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DVD Versand mit riesiger Auswahl und portofreier Lieferung. Filme aus allen Bereichen: Comedy, Action, Drama, ...

Rear Window - Collector's Edition   [CTS-Columbia Tri Star/Universal/Dreamworks]

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CHF 24.90

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Artikel: 9010658
Movie: 90106581

Regionencode [?] 1 - USA (NTSC)
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Originaltitel Rear Window
Das Fenster Zum Hof
Genre Mistery / Suspense / Thriller
Produktionsland USA
Herstellungsjahr 1954

Schauspieler Grace Kelly, James Stewart, Raymond Burr, Thelma Ritter, Wendell Corey, Frank Cady, Sara Berner, Judith Evelyn, Georgine Darcy, Irene Winston
Regie Alfred Hitchcock
Autor(en) John Michael Hayes, Cornell Woolrich
Produzent(en) Alfred Hitchcock
Sprache (Tonformat)
Untertitel -
Covertext None of Hitchcocks films has ever given a clearer view of his genius for suspense than Rear Window. When professional photographer J.B. Jeff Jeffries (James Stewart) is confined to a wheelchair with a broken leg, he becomes obsessed with watching the private dramas of his neighbors play out across the courtyard. When he suspects a salesman may have murdered his nagging wife, Jeffries enlists the help of his glamorous socialite girlfriend (Grace Kelly) to investigate the highly suspicious chain of events...Events that ultimately lead to one of the most memorable and gripping endings in all of film history.

Bildformat 1.75:1
Laufzeit 115 Minuten

Special Features
  • Rear Window Ethics: Remembering and Restoring a Hitchcock Classic. An original documentary on the making of Rear Window featuring interviews with cast members Georgine Darcy, assistant director Herbert Coleman, filmmakers Peter Bogdanovich (Last Picture Show) and Curtis Hanson (L.A. Confidential) and Pat Hitchcock OConnell daughter of Alfred Hitchcock.
  • Rear Window Featurette: A conversation with screenwriter John Michael Hayes
  • Production Photographs: A poster and photograph gallery from the film
  • Theatrical Trailer
  • Re-release Trailer narrated by James Stewart
  • Production Notes
  • Cast and Filmmakers
  • DVD-ROM Features including access to the Original Script

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