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DVD Versand mit riesiger Auswahl und portofreier Lieferung. Filme aus allen Bereichen: Comedy, Action, Drama, ...

Prisoner Maria   [MDB-Media Blasters]

Laserzone Preis
CHF 34.90

Artikel in eKorb
Versand normalerweise
innert 7-20 Tagen

Artikel: 9010165
Movie: 90101651

Regionencode [?] 1 - USA (NTSC) (Film in s/w)
Benötigt Codefree-Player zum Abspielen!
Originaltitel Prisoner Maria
Prisoner Maria - The Movie
Zyosyuu Syukeininn Maria
Genre Drama / Eastern-Asia
Produktionsland Japan
Herstellungsjahr 1995

Schauspieler Tetsuo Kurata, Koji Shimizu, Noriko Aota
Sprache (Tonformat)
Untertitel -
Covertext Convicted of killing the drug dealer who murdered her husband, Maria is blackmailed into serving as a covert assassin. Maria must do the government's bidding if she is ever to regain her freedom or her son. Trained as a highly skilled assassin, Maria is let out of prison only long enough to complete her deadly operations. With each completed mission, her sentence is further reduced. Yet, with every job she feels further away from her ultimate goal--to be released from the violent and dangerous life.

Altersfreigabe Unbekannt
Laufzeit 90 Minuten

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