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DVD Versand mit riesiger Auswahl und portofreier Lieferung. Filme aus allen Bereichen: Comedy, Action, Drama, ...

Tomb Of Torture   [IME-Image Entertainment]

Laserzone Preis
CHF 19.90

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Versand normalerweise
innert 7-20 Tagen

Artikel: 9008170
Movie: 90081701

Regionencode [?] 0 - Codefree (NTSC) (Film in s/w)
Originaltitel Tomb Of Torture
Genre Horror
Produktionsland Italien
Herstellungsjahr 1963

Schauspieler Billy Gray, Flora Carosello, Marco Mariani, Adriano Micantoni, Annie Alberti, Bernard Blay, Terry Thompson, Antonio Boccaci, Enny Eco, Fred Pizzot
Regie Antonio Boccaci
Autor(en) Antonio Boccaci, Giorgio Simonelli
Produzent(en) Richard Gordon, Francesco Campitelli
Sprache (Tonformat) Englisch   (Dolby Digital - Mono)
Untertitel -
Covertext Thrills and chills as a brute-monster stalks his prey. Anna, who is the reincarnation of a murdered countess, is afflicted with nightmares in which she reenacts the murder. Her doctor father, in an effort to help her, takes her to the scene of the crime. She meets reporter George, who has come to investigate the death of two young girls attracted to the castle by the weird tales they had heard. Anna's condition deteriorates and she lapses into unconsciousness, acting as if impelled by a mysterious force she cannot control. Walking in a trance, she discovers a man-monster, horribly disfigured, in the cellar, which resembles a torture chamber. This creature
thinks Anna is the dead countess. George, now in love with Anna, rescues her and ultimately solves the murder.

Bildformat 1.78:1
Laufzeit 88 Minuten
Veröffentlichung 08.08.2000

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