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DVD Versand mit riesiger Auswahl und portofreier Lieferung. Filme aus allen Bereichen: Comedy, Action, Drama, ...

Winners And Sinners   [TAI-Tai Seng]

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CHF 29.90

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innert 7-20 Tagen

Artikel: 9008134
Movie: 90081341

Regionencode [?] 0 - Codefree (NTSC)
Originaltitel Winners And Sinners
Wu Fu Xing
5 Lucky Stars
Genre Action / Hongkong / Comedy / Krimi
Produktionsland Hongkong
Herstellungsjahr 1983

Schauspieler Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung Kam-Bo, Biao Yuen, James Tien, Fat Chung, Hark-On Fung, Lung Chan, Ching-Ying Lam, Richard Ng, Dick Wei, Cecilia Yip, Shui-Fan Fung, Cherie Chung, John Sham, Moon Lee, Mars, Philip Chan, Po Tai, Pat Ha, Charlie Chin
Regie Sammo Hung Kam-Bo
Sprache (Tonformat) Kantonesisch   (Dolby Digital - 5.1 Surround)
Mandarin   (Dolby Digital - 5.1 Surround)
Untertitel Bahasa Indonesisch, Bahasa Malaysisch, Chinesisch Trad., Chinesisch Vereinf., Englisch, Japanisch, Koreanisch, Thailändisch, Vietnamesisch
Covertext The five, including Teapot, formed a cleaning company after their release from prison. Crack C.I.D. detective Jackie Chan was after a counterfeit ring. He was on the point of busting it when the printing plates get robbed and lost, only to end up by accident in the five's van. The counterfeit ring would stop at nothing to get the plates back and have the five killed. Another rival gang is interested in the plates as well. The five now have to deal with the killers from both gangs...

Bildformat Widescreen
Altersempfehlung LZ ab 12 Jahren
Laufzeit 102 Minuten

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  • Theatrical trailer(s)

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