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DVD Versand mit riesiger Auswahl und portofreier Lieferung. Filme aus allen Bereichen: Comedy, Action, Drama, ...

Atlantis   [PSI-Pioneer Special Int.]

Laserzone Preis
CHF 79.90

Artikel in eKorb
Versand normalerweise
innert 7-20 Tagen

Artikel: 9008051
Movie: 90018211

Regionencode [?] 2 - EUROPA / JAPAN (NTSC)
Originaltitel Atlantis
Genre Dokumentation / Musical / Animalfilm
Produktionsland Frankreich
Herstellungsjahr 1991

Regie Luc Besson
Sprache (Tonformat)
Untertitel -
Covertext Atlantis is acclaimed filmmaker Luc Besson's awe-inspiring celebration of the beauty and wonder of the world beneath the sea, expanding upon themes touched on in his huge hit The Big Blue. Combining stunning underwater cinematography and a hypnotic score by Eric Serra, Besson's singular vision defies dialogue or narrative structure to explore ocean life as you've never seen it before. At once thrilling, lyrical, and mysterious, Atlantis spell-binding images - with its graceful visuals of manta rays, whales, dolphins, sea snakes and even ferocious sharks at play - will haunt your memory long after the film ends.

Bildformat Widescreen Aufbereitet für 16:9 Bildschirme
Altersfreigabe Unbekannt
Laufzeit 79 Minuten

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