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Jacques Offenbach - Some Tales Of Hoffman - Lyon Opera   [IME-Image Entertainment]

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CHF 34.90

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Artikel: 9004573
Movie: 90045731

Regionencode [?] 0 - Codefree (NTSC)
Originaltitel ...Des Contes D'Hoffmann
Jacques Offenbach - Some Tales Of Hoffman - Lyon Opera
Genre Musik / Klassisch
Produktionsland Frankreich
Herstellungsjahr 1993

Schauspieler José van Dam, Gabriel Bacquier, Barbara Hendricks, Daniel Galvez-Vallejo, Jacques Verzier, Natalie Dessay, Lisette Malidor, Brigitte Balleys, Isabelle Vernet, Hélène Jossud
Regie Pierre Cavassilas
Autor(en) Michael Kaye, Michel Carré, Jules Barbier
Sprache (Tonformat) Französisch   (Dolby Digital - Stereo)
Untertitel Englisch
Covertext The highlight of the inaugural week of Jean Nouvels new opera house in Lyon was the premiere of DES CONTES DHOFFMANN, conceived by the Opra de Lyon. Inspired by Offenbachs Les Contes dHoffmann and freely based on the performing edition by leading American musicologist Michael Kaye, this production is far removed from the familiar settings of Luthers and Olympias salon. Hoffmann - poet, musician and philosopher - finds himself trapped in some kind of infernal huis cols, surrounded by mutant incarnations of the men and women who have been instrumental in his moral and create decline. Insanity, drunkenness of nightmare? Hoffmanns delirium becomes tangible in the imposing set designed by Philippe Starck. Lyon has brought together a formidable cast for this produciton, with Daniel Galvez-Vallejo, a young French tenor of Spanish descent, making a striking impression in the title role. The four villains are portrayed by the peerless Belgian bass-baritone Jos van Dam and the legendary Gabriel Bacquier plays Spalanzani, Crespel and Schlemil with veteran aplomb.

Bildformat 1.59:1
Altersfreigabe Unbekannt
Laufzeit 120 Minuten

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