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The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari - Special Collector's Edition   [IME-Image Entertainment]

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Artikel: 9001035
Movie: 90010351

Regionencode [?] 0 - Codefree (NTSC) (Film in s/w)
Originaltitel Das Kabinett Des Doktor Caligari
The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari
Das Cabinett Des Doktor Caligari
Das Cabinet Des Dr. Caligari
Genre Fantasy / Horror / Stummfilm
Produktionsland Deutschland
Herstellungsjahr 1920

Schauspieler Conrad Veidt, Lil Dagover, Werner Krauss, Hans Heinrich von Twardowski, Rudolf Lettinger, Friedrich Feher
Regie Robert Wiene
Autor(en) Carl Mayer, Hans Janowitz
Sprache (Tonformat) Musik   (Dolby Digital - Stereo)
Untertitel -
Covertext Werner Krauss stars as a deranged hypnotist who spreads death through the countryside from a ramshackle traveling carnival. Before the naive eyes of the townspeople, he unveils the contents of his coffin-like cabinet: Cesare, a spidery sleepwalker who obeys his every command. But at night, once the crowds have dispersed, Caligari lifts the lid on darker intentions, unleashing the dreadful Cesare to act upon his masters murderous whims and carnal desires.

A Note on this Edition:
This DVD version of THE CABINET OF DR. CALIGARI is digitally mastered at the visually-correct speed of 18 frames per second from a fine, full-frame early-generatin 35mm print of the 1923 German re-issue. It is color tinted in several shades of blue, brown, rose and green according to one of the color plans followed in the film's different releases during the silent era.
Accurate new English translation titles are graphic reproductions of the beautiful hand-painted Expressionist titles which were an especially striking feature of the 1920 release (although they had been replaced by plain white-on-black titles by 1923, even in Germany, in an effort to "normalize" the film).
Some scenes display a translucent line near the top of the frame. This is a defect carried over from the original film copy and its inclusion seemed greatly preferable to cropping out part of the picture; it is not a defect in this DVD.
A new musical score for string orchestra, composed and conducted by Timothy Brock, was inspired by German avant-garde music from the early 20th century. Recorded in digital stereo, it beautifully complements THE CABINET OF DR. CALIGARI.
This edition contains an exclusive audio essay by schollar Mike Budd and a selection of original graphic materials, all accessed via the on-screen menu.

Bildformat Fullscreen 1.33:1
Laufzeit 72 Minuten

Special Features
  • Movie-Short "Genuine: A Tale of a Vampire" (1920) by Robert Wiene
  • Movie digitally remastered at 18 frames per second
  • Accurate new English translation titles
  • New musical score composed by Timothy Brock recorded in digital stereo
  • Audio essay by scholar Mike Budd
  • Selection of original graphic material

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