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Artikel: 1992203
Movie: 19427678

Regionencode [?] 0 - Codefree (PAL)
Originaltitel Paksa Wayu
Genre Action / Eastern-Asia / Fantasy / Horror
Produktionsland Thailand
Herstellungsjahr 2004

Schauspieler Sara Legge, Sornram Theppitak
Regie Monthon Arayangkoon
Autor(en) Monthon Arayangkoon
Produzent(en) Monthon Arayangkoon
Sprache (Tonformat) Thailändisch   (Dolby Digital - 5.1 Surround)
Untertitel Englisch, Thailändisch
Covertext Following a cool, anime-inspired pre-credit sequence where we learn about the mythical creature’s origins, the movie opens in 1970s Pakistan where Dr. Janvier (Ken Streutker) has found proof of the existence of the Garuda, a mythical cross between a dinosaur, a bird and a man. All evidence is lost, however, following an attack by the Pakistani military. Several years later, Janvier’s daughter Lena (Sarah Legge) is following her fathers’ work and trying to get funding to continue her studies from the Thai government. When they are unable to grant her request, Lena and her partner Tim (Daniel Fraser) return home. But when Bangkok’s subway tunneling machines unearth an ancient cave that contains skeletons resembling those found by Dr. Janvier, Lena and Tim are called back to Bangkok to verify the findings.
Instead of finding an archaeological dig, however, they find a special military task force that’s none-too interested in scratching away with a toothbrush – they’re there to regulate how this find is handled and make sure that everything goes according to their plan.
It’s here that understanding the importance of the Garuda to Thais really helps with the logic of the film. To foreigners it’s just a dinosaur skeleton, but to Thais it’s a mythical, god-like creature that their ancestors revered and made offerings to, as well as a contemporary symbol of power and honor. This helps explain why the army would send in a special team to protect a bunch of bones; the find is comparable to finding King Arthur’s grave in the Western world.
When the leader of the army task force Tan (Sonnram Teppinat) butts heads with Lena on how to go forward with the dig, he locks her and Tim up and sends his team in to investigate. Bad move, because it turns out there’s one Garuda still hibernating, and he’s none too happy to be woken up after such a long sleep. Predictably, it escapes into the underground tunnels of the subway and the cat-and-mouse game is on.

Bildformat 1.85:1 Aufbereitet für 16:9 Bildschirme
Altersfreigabe Unbekannt
Laufzeit 110 Minuten
Veröffentlichung 23.08.2004

Special Features
  • Trailer
  • Making of

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