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Mexico Macabre - Four Sinister Tales From The Alameda Films Vault, 1959-1963   
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CHF 79.90
Artikel: 1912515 Movie: 15901389
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Misterios De Ultratumba
The Black Pit Of Dr. M
Mysteries From Beyond The Grave
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Diese Box enthält folgende Filme
- El Barón Del Terror
- El ESpejo De La Bruja
- La Maldición De La Llorona
- Misterios De Ultratumba
/ Horror
/ Mistery
/ Thriller
Carlos Ancira, Gastón Santos, Rafael Bertrand, Mapita Cortés
Fernando Méndez
Ramón Obón
Alfredo Ripstein hijo
Sprache (Tonformat)
Spanisch   (Dolby Digital)
Bluray premiere! Mexico Macabre: Four Sinister Tales from the Alameda Films Vault, 1959–1963
These four macabre titles from the vaults of one of Mexico’s best-known film companies offer uniquely Mexican takes on the ghosts, witches, and monsters familiar to fans of horror cinema and fiction.
Fernando Méndez’s Black Pit of Dr. M (Misterios de ultratumba) sees a doctor make a pact with his dying colleague in order to learn the secrets of the afterlife. In Chano Urueta’s The Witch’s Mirror (El espejo de la bruja), a murderer is tormented by the ghost of his dead wife, whilst in Urueta’s The Brainiac (El barón del terror), a nobleman put to death for necromancy returns in diabolical form to eradicate the lineage of his killers... by sucking out their brains! Finally, in Rafael Baledón’s The Curse of the Crying Woman (La maldición de la Llorona), a young bride visits her aunt's Gothic mansion, where she finds that she is the descendent of one of Mexican folklore's most terrifying figures.
With their star-studded casts, beautiful photography, eerie production design, and bone-chilling atmosphere, these films have terrified audiences for decades, and are now available in this strictly limited, individually numbered Blu-ray box set, which includes an array of new extra features – including four new audio commentaries, and rare English-language dub tracks – as well as a set of art cards and a fully illustrated 100-page book.
Cast: Abel Salazar, Rosita Arenas, Rita Macedo, Isabella Corona, Gastón Santos, Rafael Bertrand, Armando Calvo, Carlos López Moctezuma
Director: Fernando Méndez, Chano Urueta, Rafael Balédon
Fullscreen 1.33:1
Anzahl Discs
Special Features
- High Definition remasters for Black Pit of Dr. M, The Witch’s Mirror, The Brainiac, and The Curse of the Crying Woman
- Limited Edition exclusive 100-page book with new essays by José Luis Ortega Torres, David Wilt and Abraham Castillo Flores, archival articles, and full film credits
- New and improved English translation subtitles
- Original Spanish mono audio
- Optional English mono audio dub tracks for The Witch's Mirror, The Brainiac and The Curse of the Crying Woman
- Audio commentary with Abraham Castillo Flores, film programmer and curator devoted to the preservation of Mexican Horror cinema on Black Pit of Dr. M (2023)
- Audio commentary with David Wilt, film historian and Mexican cinema specialist, on The Witch's Mirror (2023)
- Audio commentary and brain nibbling with Keith J Rainville, publisher of From Parts Unknown and screenwriter of Los campeones de la lucha libre on The Brainiac (2023)
- Audio commentary with Morena de Fuego, doctor in film studies and LatAm horror specialist, on The Curse of the Crying Woman (2023)
- Daniel Ripstein on the history of Alameda Films and his grandfather, producer Alfredo Ripstein Jr (2023)
- Author Eduardo de la Vega Alfaro on director Fernando Méndez (2023), director Chano Urueta (2023), director Rafael Balédon (2023)
- Mondo Macabro: ‘Mexican Horror Movies’ (2002): episode of Pete Tombs and Andy Starke’s fondly remembered British television series, providing an overview of Mexican genre cinema from the 1950s to the 1970s
- Original theatrical trailers, image galleries, promotional stills and publicity materials
- Limited Edition exclusive art cards
- Limited edition box set of 3,000 numbered units for the US
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