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The Phantom Of The Opera - Special Edition   [WHV-Warner Home Video]

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Artikel: 1779584
Movie: 12416869

Regionencode [?] 1 - USA (NTSC)
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Originaltitel The Phantom Of The Opera
Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom Of The Opera
Das Phantom Der Oper
Genre Drama / Lovestory / Musical
Produktionsland USA
Herstellungsjahr 2004

Schauspieler Miranda Richardson, Gerard Butler, Ciarán Hinds, Minnie Driver, Patrick Wilson, Simon Callow, Kevin McNally, Murray Melvin, Paul Brooke, Emmy Rossum, James Fleet, Victor McGuire, Ramin Karimloo, Jennifer Ellison, Alison Skilbeck, Judith Paris, Halcro Johnston, Laura Lounsom, Max Thomas, Jesika Cannon, Lee Sellers, Chris Overton, Miles Western, Oliver Chopping, Imogen Bain, Annabel Porter, Lorraine Stewart, Lucy Casson
Regie Joel Schumacher
Autor(en) Joel Schumacher, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Gaston Leroux
Produzent(en) Andrew Lloyd Webber
Sprache (Tonformat) Englisch   (Dolby Digital - 5.1 Surround)
Französisch   (Dolby Digital - 5.1 Surround)
Untertitel Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Covertext A disfigured man, known as the Phantom who loves to strike fear in the minds of the Paris Opera House staff, comes to a young singer, Christine Daae, and tutors her voice. He falls in love with Christine and wants her for his own, but she only has eyes for Raoul Viscount de Chagny. The Phantom, feeling betrayed, kidnaps Christine and brings her to his lair where he plans to make her his eternal bride.

Bildformat Widescreen Aufbereitet für 16:9 Bildschirme
Altersempfehlung LZ ab 12 Jahren
Laufzeit 141 Minuten
Anzahl Discs 2
Veröffentlichung 09.05.2005

Special Features
  • Behind the Mask- The Story of Phantom of the Opera
  • Making of Phantom of the Opera
  • Additional Scene ""No-one would Listen""
  • Easter Egg- Sing-A-Long

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