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American Silent Horror Collection   [KIN-Kino On Video]

Laserzone Preis
CHF 59.90
Artikel: 1766455 Movie: 18559827
Regionencode [?]
1 - USA
(NTSC) (Film in s/w)
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The Man Who Laughs
Der Mann, Der Lacht
Diese Box enthält folgende Filme
- Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde
- Kingdom Of Shadows
- The Cat And The Canary
- The Man Who Laughs
- The Penalty
/ Drama
/ Horror
/ Krimi
/ Mistery
/ Special Interest
/ Stummfilm
/ Thriller
/ Literaturverfilmung
Conrad Veidt, Frank Puglia, Brandon Hurst, Torben Meyer, Sam De Grasse, Stuart Holmes, Edgar Norton, George Siegmann, Josephine Crowell, Allan Cavan, Olga Baclanova, Mary Philbin, Cesare Gravina, Charles Puffy, Nick De Ruiz, Carmen Costello, Jack A. Goodrich, Zimbo the Dog, Julius Molnar Jr.
Paul Leni
J. Grubb Alexander, Walter Anthony, Victor Hugo
Sprache (Tonformat)
Englisch   (Dolby Digital)
4 Horror Gems from the silent era plus an original documentary.
THE MAN WHO LAUGHS (1928) DIRECTED BY PAUL LENI STARRING CONRAD VEIDT & MARY PHILBIN - Paul Leni's adaptation of Victor Hugo's classic novel tells the story of Gwynplaine (Conrad Veidt), a tortured man with a permanent smile carved on his face. Batman creator Bob Kane has cited Leni's film as inspiration for his classic villain The Joker.
DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE (1920) DIRECTED BY J.S. ROBERTSON STARRING JOHN BARRYMORE - This first great American horror film follows the transformation of a prominent London physician, Dr. Jeckyll, into the murderous Mr. Hyde while he explores the dual nature of man.
THE PENALTY (1920) DIRECTED BY WALTER WORSLEY STARRING LON CHANEY - In one of his most diabolical roles, Lon Chaney stars as a criminal mastermind who carries out a gruesome vengeance upon the doctor who amputated his legs.
THE CAT AND THE CANARY (1927) DIRECTED BY PAUL LENI STARRING LAURA LA PLANTE - A decaying mansion and a stormy night are the archetypal setting for mystery and chaos when a pack of greedy relatives gather for the reading of a twenty-year-old will. But before the West fortune can be handed down, the family must endure a night in the cavernous manor. THE CAT is a milestone of the American horror film, thanks to the ingenuity of its director, Paul Leni. One of the first film artists imported from Germany by Hollywood, Leni invigorated this stage-bound genre with expressionist flair, transforming conventional material into a visual feast. Meticulously restored from original nitrate prints by Photoplay productions and a new score by Neil Brand.
KINGDOM OF SHADOWS (1998) NARRATED BY ROD STEIGER DIRECTED BY BRET WOOD - The horror film, from the turn of the century to the end of the silent era, is explored in this haunting, sometimes shocking documentary...a danse macabre of religion, carnivals, sex, nightmares, monstrosity, and death. With scenes from 50 rare and classic films.
Fullscreen 1.33:1 Aufbereitet für 16:9 Bildschirme
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