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La Polizia Ringrazia   

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Artikel: 1701674
Movie: 13638779

Regionencode [?] 2 - EUROPA / JAPAN (NTSC)
Originaltitel La Polizia Ringrazia
Execution Squad
Das Syndikat
The Enforcers
Genre Action / Drama / Krimi
Produktionsland Italien
Herstellungsjahr 1972

Schauspieler Mario Adorf, Cyril Cusack, Enrico Maria Salerno, Franco Fabrizi, Laura Betti, Mariangela Melato, Corrado Gaipa, Ada Pometti, Ferdinando Murolo, Sergio Serafini, Gianfranco Barra, Laura Belli, Rosemarie Lindt, Gianni Solaro, Corrado Solari, Franz von Treuberg, Ezio Sancrotti, Jürgen Drews, Pietro Tiberi, Franco Meroni, Diego Reggente, Giorgio Piazza, Giovanna Di Vita, Riccardo Mangano, Fortunato Cecilia, Romualdo Buzzanca
Regie Steno
Autor(en) Steno, Lucio De Caro
Produzent(en) Roberto Infascelli, Peter Geissler
Sprache (Tonformat) Englisch   (Dolby Digital)
Italienisch   (Dolby Digital)
Untertitel Japanisch
Kurzbeschrieb LZ Dieser Film aus dem Jahre 1972 hat das Genre des italienischen Polizeifilm begründet. Mit Mario Adorf und Enrico Maria Salerno hervorragend besetzt. Jürgen Drews als Gauner ist köstlich. Ein Juwel unter den „Poliziesci“.
Covertext Director Steno (birth name: Stefano Vanzina) is best known as a director of comedy (e.g. films with Bud Spencer and Terence Hill), but this crime thriller is everything but a comedy. It tells the gripping story of an organized vigilante group that kills criminals who couldn't be convicted by the police. Enrico Maria Salerno is brilliant as the police officer who tries to discover the big ones behind the vigilante group. Mario Adorf is convincing as ever - once more portraying a rather dubious district attorney. This Italian-German co-production is also remarkable for singer Jürgen Drews who plays one of the criminals that fall victim to the vigilantes. All in all, "La Polizia Ringrazia" delivers impressive social comment and handles the topic with a complexity one rarely sees in a crime thriller. Highly recommended.

Bildformat Widescreen
Altersfreigabe Unbekannt
Laufzeit 94 Minuten
Veröffentlichung 27.05.2003

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