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The Grim Reaper   

Laserzone Preis
CHF 29.90

Artikel in eKorb
Versand normalerweise
innert 7-20 Tagen

Artikel: 1621205
Movie: 11614608

Regionencode [?] 2 - EUROPA / JAPAN (PAL)
Originaltitel La Commare Secca
The Grim Reaper
Genre Drama
Produktionsland Italien
Herstellungsjahr 1962

Schauspieler Gabriella Giorgelli, Marisa Solinas, Carlotta Barilli, Alfredo Leggi, Allen Midgette, Santina Lisio, Ada Peragostini, Renato Troiani, Giancarlo De Rosa, Vincenzo Ciccora, Alvaro D'Ercole, Clorinda Celani, Emy Rocci, Lorenza Benedetti, Romano Labate, Erina Torelli, Francesco Ruiu
Regie Bernardo Bertolucci
Autor(en) Pier Paolo Pasolini, Bernardo Bertolucci, Sergio Citti
Produzent(en) Tonino Cervi
Sprache (Tonformat) Italienisch   (Dolby Digital)
Untertitel Englisch
Covertext Based on a story by Pier Paolo Pasolini, Bertolucci's big screen debut is The Grim Reaper (La Commare Secca). After a prostitute is brutally murdered in a park near the Tiber river, the police track down the spotted visitors to the park that night in hopes of catching the killer. The story is told in flashbacks as the suspects each give their own account of they did that night. With shades of Kurosawa's Rashomon and Pasolini's stirring screenplay, The Grim Reaper is one of the most impressive cinematic debuts of all time.

Altersempfehlung LZ ab 16 Jahren
Veröffentlichung 25.04.2011

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