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Game Of Thrones - The Complete Third Season - Blu-Ray + DVD + Digital Copy   [HBO Home Video]

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CHF 69.90

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Artikel: 1449082
Movie: 14072643

Regionencode [?] 0 - Codefree (NTSC)
Originaltitel Game Of Thrones
Game Of Thrones - Das Lied Von Eis Und Feuer
Genre Abenteuer / Drama / Fantasy / TV-Serie
Produktionsland USA
Herstellungsjahr 2011

Schauspieler Jack Gleeson, Lena Headey, Iain Glen, Michelle Fairley
Regie Alan Taylor, Brian Kirk
Autor(en) David Benioff, George R.R. Martin
Produzent(en) Mark Huffam, Frank Doelger
Sprache (Tonformat) Englisch   (Dolby Digital - 5.1 Surround)
Englisch   (DTS)
Französisch   (Dolby Digital - 5.1 Surround)
Französisch   (DTS)
Untertitel Chinesisch, Englisch, Englisch für Hörgeschädigte, Französisch, Mandarin, Portugiesisch, Spanisch, Thailändisch
Covertext In the third season of the hit HBO drama series Game of Thrones, the Lannisters are barely holding onto power after a savage naval onslaught from Stannis Baratheon, while stirrings in the North threaten to alter the overall balance of power in Westeros. Robb Stark, King in the North, is facing major calamity in his efforts to build on his victories over the Lannisters while beyond the Wall, Mance Rayder and his huge army of wildlings continue their inexorable march south. Across the Narrow Sea, Daenerys Targaryen - reunited with her three fast-maturing dragons - attempts to raise an army to sail with her from Essos, in hopes of eventually claiming the Iron Throne.

Bildformat 1.78:1 Aufbereitet für 16:9 Bildschirme
Laufzeit 561 Minuten
Anzahl Discs 5
Veröffentlichung 18.02.2014

Special Features
  • Requires Blu-ray compatible player!
  • Obwohl diese Disc mit Zone A gekennzeichnet ist, kann sie auch auf europäischen Playern abgespielt werden!
  • A Gathering Storm - Look back at the stormy events of Season 3 in this 14-minute recap with cast and crew.
  • • The Politics of Marriage - Cast and crew examine the institution of marriage and its place in Game of Thrones.
  • • Inside the Wildlings - Go beyond the Wall with this introduction to the wildlings.
  • • New Characters - Meet the new faces in Season 3: Olenna Tyrell, Missandei, Mance Rayder, Tormund Giantsbane, Orell, Jojen & Meera Reed, Blackfish & Edmure Tully, Thoros of Myr, and Beric Dondarrion.
  • • Deleted Scenes/Extended Scenes - Five deleted and extended scenes.
  • • Audio Commentaries - 12 audio commentaries with cast and crew including David Benioff, D.B. Weiss, George R.R. Martin, Lena Headey, Emilia Clarke, Michelle Fairley, Kit Harington, Richard Madden, and more.
  • • In-Episode Guide - In-feature resource that provides background information about on-screen characters, locations, and relevant histories.
  • • Histories & Lore - Learn about the mythology of Westeros as told from the varying perspectives of the characters themselves.
  • • The Rains of Castamere Unveiled - Get an in-depth look at the creation of the most pivotal episode of Season 3 in this comprehensive exposé featuring cast and crew.
  • • Roots of Westeros - Explore the interconnected web of relationships, rivalries, and conflicts between the noble houses of Westeros with this interactive guide.

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