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Legend Of The Guardians - The Owls Of Ga'Hoole   [WHV-Warner Home Video]

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CHF 34.90

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Artikel: 1313529
Movie: 13915573

Regionencode [?] 1 - USA (NTSC)
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Originaltitel Legend Of The Guardians - The Owls Of Ga'Hoole
Die Legende Der Wächter
Genre Abenteuer / Animation / Fantasy
Produktionsland USA
Herstellungsjahr 2010

Schauspieler Sam Neill, Helen Mirren, Anthony LaPaglia, Geoffrey Rush, Joel Edgerton, Abbie Cornish, Essie Davis, Emily Barclay, Adrienne DeFaria
Regie Zack Snyder
Autor(en) Kathryn Lasky, Emil Stern, John Orloff
Produzent(en) Zareh Nalbandian
Sprache (Tonformat) Englisch   (Dolby Digital - 5.1 Surround)
Französisch   (Dolby Digital - 5.1 Surround)
Spanisch   (Dolby Digital - 5.1 Surround)
Untertitel Englisch, Englisch für Hörgeschädigte, Französisch, Spanisch
Covertext Acclaimed filmmaker Zack Snyder (300, Watchmen) makes his animation debut with this fantasy adventure based on the beloved books by Kathryn Lasky. Young owl Soren marvels at his father's epic stories of the Guardians of Ga'Hoole, mythic winged warriors who fought a great battle to save all owl kind from the evil Pure Ones. When he and brother Kludd fall from their treetop home and into the talons of the Pure Ones, it's up to Soren to make a daring escape with the help of other brave owls. Together they seek the Great Tree, home of the Guardians--the only hope of defeating the Pure Ones and saving the owl kingdoms. The stellar voice cast includes Abbie Cornish, Miriam Margolyes, Helen Mirren, Sam Neill, Geoffrey Rush, Jim Sturgess and Hugo Weaving.

Bildformat 1.78:1 Aufbereitet für 16:9 Bildschirme
Laufzeit 97 Minuten
Veröffentlichung 06.12.2010

Special Features
  • TRUE GUARDIANS OF THE EARTH: Digger and Modern Family's rico Rodriguez Host This Fascinating Look Into The World Of Owls And Why they Are Counting On you To Protect Them
  • New Looney Tunes Cartoon FUR OF FLYING

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