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Blanche - Blu-Ray Disc + DVD Combo   [Arrow]

Laserzone Preis
CHF 29.90

Artikel in eKorb
Versand normalerweise
innert 7-20 Tagen

Artikel: 1207380

Regionencode [?] 2 - EUROPA / JAPAN (PAL)

Sprache (Tonformat) Französisch   (Dolby Digital)
Untertitel Englisch
Covertext One of the greatest of all medieval films, not least for its utterly distinctive realisation of a recognisable yet alien world, Walerian Borowczyk s third feature was widely hailed as a masterpiece from the moment it first appeared and is still regarded as one of his greatest films.

Based on Juliusz S owacki s 19th-century play Mazepa but relocated to 13th-century France, Blanche tells the story of the beautiful young wife (Ligia Branice) of a nobleman many decades older (French acting legend Michel Simon). As innocent as her name suggests, Blanche becomes the unwilling centre of attention in a power struggle between her husband, the visiting King and his page, the latter a notorious womaniser. Its unique visual style resembles a medieval fresco, and its period-instruments soundtrack, adapting the ancient Carmina Burana song book, was years ahead of its time.

Blanche is presented in a brand new high-definition restoration from original 35mm elements.

Altersfreigabe Unbekannt
Laufzeit 90 Minuten
Anzahl Discs 2

Special Features
  • New high definition digital transfers of the feature and the shorts
  • Uncompressed Mono 2.0 PCM Audio
  • Optional English subtitles where necessary
  • Introduction by Schalcken the Painter director Leslie Megahey
  • Ballad of Imprisonment, a documentary about the film featuring producer Dominique Duvergé-Ségrétin, assistant director André Heinrich, camera operator Noël Véry and assistant Patrice Leconte
  • Obscure Pleasures: A Portrait of Walerian Borowczyk, a newly edited archival interview in which Borowczyk discusses painting, cinema and sex
  • Gunpoint, a documentary short by Peter Graham produced and edited by Borowczyk
  • Reversible sleeve featuring original poster designs
  • Collector s booklet

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