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Tokyo Olympiad - Criterion Collection   [CRI-Criterion]

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Artikel: 1073640
Movie: 13113053

Regionencode [?] 1 - USA (NTSC)
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Originaltitel Tokyo Olympiad
Tokyo Orimpikku
Seido No Kando
Genre Dokumentation / Eastern-Asia / Sport
Produktionsland Japan
Herstellungsjahr 1965

Schauspieler Jack Douglas, Abebe Bikila
Regie Kon Ichikawa
Autor(en) Kon Ichikawa, Natto Wada, Shuntaro Tanikawa, Yoshio Shirasaka
Produzent(en) Suketaru Taguchi
Sprache (Tonformat) Japanisch   (Dolby Digital - 1.0 Mono)
Untertitel Englisch
Covertext In this classic documentary, one of the world's finest directors captures the colorful pageantry and emotional intensity of the 1964 Olympics. Kon Ichikawa's Tokyo Olympiad is both a celebration of Japan's postwar recovery and an artistic statement about athletic competition. To produce this epic work, Ichikawa (The Burmese Harp, Fires on the Plain) brings together an impressive team, including his wife and collaborator Natto Wada, renowned cinematographer Kazuo Miyagawa (Rashomon), and 164 ubiquitous cameramen. Using his talents as a novelist, Ichikawa searches out the human side of the Olympics in such dramatic moments as Vera Caslavska's virtual sweep of the gymnastics medals and Billy Mills' astonishing, come-from-behind victory in the 10,000-meter race.

Bildformat 2.35:1 Aufbereitet für 16:9 Bildschirme
Laufzeit 170 Minuten
Veröffentlichung 25.06.2002

Special Features
  • Commentary by Film Historian Peter Cowie
  • Liner Notes by Legendary Sports Writer George Plimpton
  • Complete List of Winners In All Events
  • Symposium On Tokyo Olympiad, Excerpted From the Cinemathrque Ontario Book Kon Ichikawa

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