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DVD Versand mit riesiger Auswahl und portofreier Lieferung. Filme aus allen Bereichen: Comedy, Action, Drama, ...

Winter Light   [Tartan Video]

Laserzone Preis
CHF 54.90

Artikel in eKorb
Versand normalerweise
innert 7-20 Tagen

Artikel: 9015854
Movie: 90158541

Regionencode [?] 2 - EUROPA / JAPAN (PAL) (Film in s/w)
Originaltitel Nattvardsgästerna
Winter Light
Licht Im Winter
Genre Drama
Produktionsland Schweden
Herstellungsjahr 1963

Schauspieler Max Von Sydow, Ingrid Thulin, Gunnar Björnstrand, Allan Edwall, Gunnel Lindblom, Elsa Ebbesen, Olof Thunberg, Kolbjörn Knudsen
Regie Ingmar Bergman
Autor(en) Ingmar Bergman
Produzent(en) Allan Ekelund
Sprache (Tonformat) Schwedisch   (Dolby Digital)
Untertitel Englisch
Covertext A village pastor, unloved and empty of faith, reveals his bitter failure to offer spiritual consolation to his flock. Sombre andpoignant, the film skatches a world of half empty churches - bit a world not entirely without hope in God's universe. The Story brings together four personalities in a shared quest for spiritual reassurance. A susceptible and disillusioned fisherman (Max von Sydow) is urged by his wife (Gunnel Lindbolm) to seek solace from hislocal priest (Gunnar Bjornstrand). However the priest is struggling to regain his own belief - a tragic and intimately depicted conflict, in which he is eventually supported by the cynicyl resilience of the local school mistress (Ingrid Thulin).

Laufzeit 80 Minuten

Special Features
  • Star and Director Filmographies
  • Philip Strick Filmnotes
  • Extract from Bergman's Book:
  • "Images - My Life in Film"
  • Trailer Collection

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